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Intelligent Workplace Solutions
We help you harness the power of your data through analytics to help your workplace be more efficient, your employees more productive, and your data more secure.
Closing the Technology Consumption Gap
MPS provides short- and long-term benefits enabling you to make fact-based decisions to fine-tune your print environment over time to achieve and maintain the greatest efficiencies.
Benefits of Managed Print
- Cut costs & control budgets on print consumables, service and cost-per-page with fixed costs and no surprises
- Reduce energy use through device consolidation and upgrade
- Free IT resources for more business critical work than the setup, support and maintenance of print devices
- Optimize efficiency with remote management and lifecycle management
- Streamline operations with centralized support for multiple brands and models
- Increase uptime with on-site service coverage
- Gain visibility into print activity and trends with online tools to improve control and management of your devices
- Customize your solution for your network, print devices and operational priorities
Cost Savings. Process Improvement.
Why your organization needs an MPS assessment
- Rising printing expenditures make it difficult to hold down overall costs.
- Month-to-month changes in printing costs make it difficult to budget.
- Operating costs are digging into the capital improvement budget.
- Costs of equipment, business processes, and filing are unknown and need to be identified.
- There is pressure to improve revenue and margins.
- You have distributed offices in multiple locations.
- Autonomous departments make their own printer purchasing decisions.
- You have a mobile workforce constantly on the go.
- The existing print infrastructure is poorly understood.
- The print environment can’t be tracked and measured.
- There are a significant number of unconnected devices, including desktop printers.
- Managing your fleet requires working with multiple vendors and supplier contracts.
- It’s a struggle to meet sustainability goals.
- There is limited understanding of how printed documents are used.
- Paper-intensive business processes need to be more efficient.
- Customers have new document processing or workflow requirements.
- The print infrastructure isn’t aligned with your business needs.
- You operate in a highly regulated industry with strict standards for security and compliance.
The Importance of a Print Management Strategy
An average of 1-3% of a company’s annual revenues are consumed by document production.
Rising costs in virtually every area of business challenge executives to find ways to reduce overhead without harming productivity. Optimizing your office print environment is a strategy to cut expenses without sacrificing productivity.
While the economic impact of printing is clear, there is also large environmental, productivity, and IT impacts.
The average office worker consumes 10,000 pages per year, the equivalent of 60% of a tree.

Why Rhyme?
All-inclusive Managed Program
A MPS solution offers many benefits including new equipment, service, help-desk, parts, labor and toner, delivery and installation, continuous user training, automatic toner replenishment, and customized detailed reporting.
Drive Sustainability
A managed print solution with Rhyme is designed with sustainability in mind. Our solutions eliminate unnecessary printing and support internal waste reduction by tracking your printing habits and minimizing your print. We also provide strategy and support for digital document imaging solutions to help you better utilize these tools and integrate them throughout your organization. Part of our solution includes power-saving measures such as stand-by mode when usage is limited, and consolidation of redundant devices.
Professional Collaboration
A managed print solution with Rhyme includes collaboration with industry experts designed to bring value-based improvements to your organization. We work with you to find a solution that best fits your needs by leveraging what you already have in place and implementing new strategies and tools that drive costs down while still maintaining efficiency and productivity.
Free Up IT Resources
Free up IT staff to focus on core business initiatives, like security and new software, instead of being distracted by printer support. A Rhyme managed print solution includes help-desk support and management of all devices. We also have highly accurate reporting which allows us to optimize device uptime and utilization.
Data Driven Solutions &
The Power of Analytics
Print Assessment
The assessment process is where the magic happens. This multistep process is where we gather key information about your organization, your printing habits/needs, and your goals. We take this information and create a customized printing solution that is tailored to you which will likely result in lower costs and higher print efficiency.
This process takes time, but is essential in creating a solution that will drive results and help you grow. The key of a good assessment is bringing the full picture to light and then finding a way to improve what was discovered.
Device Mapping
A unique step in the assessment process is collecting maps of all your buildings that show where current print devices are, what make and model each device is, and its function (color printer, fax machine, MFP, etc.). We use this map to help evaluate the current state and plan for a future state.
This may result in a significant downsize in total number of devices and is where a large portion of cost is saved. Each device is strategically placed in your organization to ensure employees around each device have the functionality they need and are within close proximity to the device.
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We help you harness the power of your data through analytics to help your workplace be more efficient, you employees more productive, and your data more secure. With the help of powerful print software we can collect data and analyze many aspects of your print environment to identify areas that need improvement and fix any issues that arise.
A complete analysis of your print environment includes print inventory and utilization, device comparative analysis, environmental impact, user-to-device ratio, and what-if modeling. Analysis is a powerful way to improve security, productivity, efficiency, and sustainability.
Auto Toner and Rhyme Device Management
Rhyme Device Management (RDM) is a powerful tool that lets us monitor your printing fleet that removes the hassle of ordering supplies and requesting service from your hands allowing you to focus on growing your business. Auto Toner Replenishment (ATR) notifies us when you’re running low on toner and automatically puts in an order for more, reducing overall costs by eliminating the need to constantly maintain an extra inventory of print supplies. The tool also automatically notifies our service department when service is required for a device so they can send someone out and get to you quicker resulting in less downtime.
Ready to see the Rhyme Difference?
Contact us and an experienced Customer Service Representative or Account Manager will reach out to you to answer your question or to schedule an Introduction Meeting.