Rhyme Newsroom

2022 Mid-Year Recap

The country is facing many large challenges, it can feel daunting and difficult to take on. At Rhyme, we believe where positive change can be made is at the community level. We recognize how important it is to support our new generations and children of our communities. If we can do our part to set them up for success, give them a place to feel safe and supported, to thrive and grow as individuals, we will see a positive impact in their lives and our communities.  

This belief in our youth and communities is why Rhyme has decided to donate $50,000 to the Boys & Girls Club of West Central Wisconsin. They are working on fundraising to open a club in Portage and with this donation they are one step closer to opening this facility. Rhyme was established in Portage; we wouldn’t be who or where we are today without this community. It’s important to us as a local business to see this community thrive and this Boys & Girls Club will be an important part of this community’s success.

In helping them accomplish their mission, we know that we’ll be making America better, one child at a time,” said Mike Steinhoff, Rhyme President.   

Boys & Girls Club of Portage Donation from Rhyme

The mission of the Boys & Girls Club is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. Each day after school and during the summer, over 850 Club members have the opportunity to learn, grow, give back to the community through programs that focus on academic success, healthy habits and lifestyles, and good character and citizenship. 

Clubs contribute to major savings for communities by helping to prevent costly expenditures for health care, public assistance programs and the criminal justice system involvement and incarceration. A return-on-investment (ROI) study in 2015 by the Institute for Social Research and the School of Public Health at the University of Michigan found that every dollar invested in Boys & Girls Clubs returns $9.60 in economic benefits to the individual and society through future earnings and cost-savings to their communities. The clubs fundraising goal of $300,000 yields economic impact of nearly $3,000,000 for the Portage community. 

If you would like to be part of making an investment in youth and strengthening the Portage community donation options can be located on the website bgcwcw.org under New! 

What does our growth and success look like? 

Rhyme Time Scholarships 

SEMGC 2021

Every summer Rhyme hosts the Steve Ennis Memorial Golf Classic to raise funds for scholarships awarded to high school seniors affected by cancer. Please join us on Saturday, September 10th at the Edgerton Towne Country Club for our 14th Annual Event!

This year we awarded 10 scholarships, bringing our total to 80 scholarships in the past 13 years! 

This year’s Scholarship recipients include:

  • Ava S. – Baraboo High School  
  • Aurora R. – Evansville High School  
  • Kathrine H. – Janesville Craig High School 
  • Ella P. – Lodi High School 
  • Mean D. – Luxemburg-Casco High School  
  • Hannah P. – Markesan High School  
  • Courtney K. – Milton High School 
  • Bethany D. – Monroe High School  
  • Trinity W. – Portage High School 
  • Brynn M. – Portage High School 

Lee Lake Polar Bear Plunge 2022  

Polar Plunge 2022

Saturday, February 26th was the 22nd annual Lee Lake Polar Bear Plunge. The Polar Plunge benefits the American Cancer Society and G.R.A.C.E. (Greater Richland Area Cancer Elimination). The event raised over $30,000 this year, with the Rhyme Time group raising over $8,000 through donations, pledges, and purchasing auction items! This brings the 22-year total to over $430,000! If each of us does just a little – together we can do BIG things!

Final Thoughts 

Rhyme has added seven new people to the team in the first half of 2022 and are currently looking to fill positions in our Sales, IT, and Admin departments. Every year we are determined to get better at what we do and develop our knowledge and skills in order to better serve our customers. We are always looking to add good people to our team, if you or someone you know is interested, contact us or learn more on our Careers Page! 

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