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May 09, 2023

Why Use Eco-Friendly To-Go Containers

The to-go food industry has steadily grown over the last few years, and it’s likely not going to decrease any time soon. This is partially due to the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, where the restaurant industry had to find creative ways to stay afloat during lockdowns and quarantines. In many cases, this meant that no contact delivery, curbside pickup or just pickup in general was the primary source of business for them, and people got used to it. However, people are also growing more aware of what they consume, and the impact that it has on the environment and sustainability, and now states are beginning to ban the use of Styrofoam and plastic food containers, meaning restaurants are required to find alternatives and adapt.

December 18, 2019

Eco-friendly bowl and utensils

Most people want to make choices in their day-to-day life that won’t be harmful to the environment. But, with a fast-paced, on-the-go life it can be difficult. One area that can be the trickiest but also an easy change, is the use of disposable products. We live in a consumer culture where disposable products are ubiquitous. And they aren’t going away any time soon.

March 06, 2019

water pollution

Many of us have heard about the negative effects of single-use plastics on the environment, specifically how it effects the oceans and marine life. Much of the single-use plastics (bags, bottles, straws) used today end up in our oceans, causing massive amounts of pollution to the ocean and in turn, harming and killing marine life who unintentionally consume plastic.