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August 09, 2022

PaperCut Print Management Forest Positive Printing

Reducing print volumes isn't enough anymore, our planet needs more than waste minimization. The next step is maximizing growth with forest positive printing - giving back more than you take away when you press print. 

PaperCut has been crafting industry-leading printer software for over 20 years. Today their suite of print management products reduces paper waste and saves trees for 115 million users across 195 countries. So far their solutions have held 3.2B pages from being printed and saved 386,391 trees from being cut down.

But there was still a question on how to solve the second half of the print equation: after reducing waste, how do we directly invest in the environment when we press print?

PaperCut is now working to solve that problem with their Forest Positive printing program, PaperCut Grows. Available with the flagship solutions PaperCut MF and PaperCut Hive, joining PaperCut Grows means businesses can more than replace the trees used to make the paper for their essential hardcopy documents.

Now, pressing print with PaperCut means you’re planting trees.

What is PaperCut Grows?

PaperCut Grows is a new sustainability program that enables our customers to do more than reduce waste, and actively invest in the forests of the world.

PaperCut MF and PaperCut Hive continue to handle the print waste reduction side of things. Now we can provide customers with a tool to make their printing Forest Positive with the PaperCut Grows program.

What is Forest Positive printing?

The Forest Positive movement is an evolution of sustainability philosophy. Forest Positive practices directly invest in the forests of the world. This is vital for fighting global warming because trees are our number one way of combatting climate change and greenhouse gas emissions.

Reducing print waste with PaperCut MF or PaperCut Hive and joining PaperCut Grows makes your printing Forest Positive, by reducing your waste and more than replacing the trees your printing consumes.

Why Forest Positive matters

20% of current greenhouse gases are due to tropical forest destruction. The soldiers on the frontlines of the climate change war are the world’s trees. One mature tree absorbs more than 48 pounds of carbon dioxide each year. This creates enough oxygen for a human to breath for 2 years.

Unfortunately, due to climate change and deforestation, the amount of trees on the planet is shrinking every day.

With 30% trees cut down being used for paper processing, essential business printing needs to do more than minimize paper waste. We need to maximize positive environmental investment.

How does PaperCut Grows work?

You simply join as part of your license with PaperCut MF or PaperCut Hive. You then make a tree-planting investment up-front per printer. PaperCut then calculates and converts how much you print into how many trees you should purchase for your printing to be Forest Positive. After you reach the initial amount of time calculated, you then reinvest when you approach the end of your number of trees planted.

The program dashboard displays your Forest Positive status, including your printing and tree planting volumes. The in-product Marketing Toolkit then equips your business with a variety of assets to share your sustainability story via website components, social media posts, and other creative content.

Who does the planting?

PaperCut handles the calculations and conversions as part of their print management functionality. They leave the tree planting to the ecological experts, their non-profit reforestation partner, One Tree Planted.

About One Tree Planted

One Tree Planted is a non-profit global reforestation organization, and their first partner for the PaperCut Grows program. Since 2014 they have planted over 40 million trees in more than 43 countries in North America, Latin America, Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Pacific. PaperCut is now proudly one of their 266+ planting patrons.

Where do the trees get planted?

You decide! The program provides customers with three options for selecting a reforestation project location: either your sysadmin/IT lead decides, your workplace can vote, or you can delegate to One Tree Planted to choose.

How do you join PaperCut Grows?

The PaperCut Grows program is available with a license for PaperCut MF and PaperCut Hive.

To sign up as an existing or new customer, speak to Rhyme’s Client Services by submitting a form or calling 800-362-4333.

Reduce waste + Plant trees = Forest Positive

PaperCut Forest Positive Printing Equation

Enroll in PaperCut Grows.

Resource: PaperCut

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