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September 27, 2023

Interactive Whiteboard

Education has changed drastically over the last few years, with schools requiring virtual options, and students being more technologically advanced, technology in the classroom is a requirement. Gone are the days when a bulky projector was wheeled into the classroom with a transparent sheet that teachers could write on with erasable markers to present topics to students. Blackboards and whiteboards are even becoming outdated as students are utilizing devices such as laptops or tablets to learn. However, the importance of the blackboard or whiteboard still exists, students still require visual, hands-on, and auditory learning to succeed – which is where interactive whiteboards (IWBs) come into play.

July 27, 2020

Sharp Windows Collaboration Display

Studies have shown that uncomfortable environmental conditions can negatively affect performance in the office and meeting rooms, and this is no different in our home workspaces. Few factors are more important to maintain concentration than access to fresh air, natural light and a comfortable temperature.