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September 27, 2023

Interactive Whiteboard

Education has changed drastically over the last few years, with schools requiring virtual options, and students being more technologically advanced, technology in the classroom is a requirement. Gone are the days when a bulky projector was wheeled into the classroom with a transparent sheet that teachers could write on with erasable markers to present topics to students. Blackboards and whiteboards are even becoming outdated as students are utilizing devices such as laptops or tablets to learn. However, the importance of the blackboard or whiteboard still exists, students still require visual, hands-on, and auditory learning to succeed – which is where interactive whiteboards (IWBs) come into play.

Benefits of Interactive Whiteboards

Interactive Whiteboards have been around for some time now and continue to become more advanced. These displays are powerful tools for classrooms or meeting rooms when utilized correctly, and greatly help the learning process for both students and teachers. These devices are capable of creating a collaborative learning environment that benefits students who learn in every different way and produces endless sources and materials teachers can use to improve learning.

Benefits for Teachers

One of the most frustrating parts of introducing new technology into the classroom is having to learn how to use it. Often, teachers wind up having to learn how to use the new technology or system on their own, during their own time, which is inefficient and creates unneeded stress. Sharp Aquos boards have an open platform system, which means they can be integrated with any number of learning management systems. This integration negates the need to introduce and learn a new system every time new technology is introduced, and existing classroom infrastructure and software can still be used. Additionally, Aquos boards are connected to the internet which means teachers can utilize many different web-based tools that help engage students and promote learning through activities such as educational games, movies, and interactive learning websites.

Benefits for Students

If the goal of education is to prepare students for careers and society in the future, then a major part of that is teaching them how to use technology. Students are becoming more and more technologically advanced, and as such, learning is adapting as well. Students resonate well with technology which makes it an essential part of the classroom. Interactive Whiteboards are a great place to start. They promote different learning types without the need for additional technology, allow for remote connection if students or teachers are sick, and open the door to many different educational tools at the click of a button. By using these whiteboards, students are also preparing for their futures where this kind of technology will be utilized across all industries for meetings, collaboration, and more.

Discover the Sharp Aquos Board

How To Create a Collaborative Classroom

Now that we understand the benefits of interactive whiteboards, such as the Sharp Aquos Board, for both students and teachers, how can we utilize them to create a collaborative learning environment? These displays are a perfect fit for collaborative learning, they have multi-touch functionality for up to 20 different touch points which means that up to 20 students can interact with the board at the same time. With internet connectivity, students or teachers who are sick are still able to be a part of discussions or activities, and an endless number of educational resources are available. Student or teacher presentations can be displayed on the board, and since it’s a touch screen, a whole new level of interaction within these presentations can be achieved. Collaboration in the classroom at all levels of education has never been this simple.

If you’d like to learn more about the Sharp Aquos Interactive Whiteboard, or how interactive displays can be used for both education and business, contact us today.

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Sources: Sharp Simply Smarter Blog | Sharp Simply Smarter Blog | Sharp Simply Smarter Blog | Sharp Simply Smarter Blog

About the author: Ryan Baars

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