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March 31, 2017

World Backup Day

Not really sure what a backup is? Don’t worry you’re not alone, over 30% of people never backup their files. A backup is a second copy of all your important files. Instead of storing it only on your computer, you keep another copy of everything somewhere safe, at an off-site location.

World Backup Day March 31st

How To Prevent Data Loss

This type of loss is more common then you think with 1 in 10 computers infected with viruses every month and 113 lost or stolen phones every minute. Have you ever lost your phone or tablet? Knowing that your personal photos, contacts and files could have been saved with a backup could have also saved you a lot of headaches. A backup can be accomplished in a number of ways, all of which are fairly simple to do. Most people backup their files to an external drive or somewhere on the Internet.

At absolute minimum, backup your files once a year, but we recommend a daily backup. Good backup software automatically schedules backups so you don’t even have to worry about it once installed. Anytime a file changes it is instantly backed up.

No matter how safe or secure you feel it’s important to back up your files. Rhyme can help you create a rock solid backup strategy and backup your files in a matter of minutes. Contact us today to help you create the best backup plan for your organization.

For more network and data security tips see:

Working Securely From HomeAvoiding Social Engineering and Phishing Attacks
What is Ransomware and How to Protect Yourself 


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