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June 29, 2023

Common Fears and Misconceptions SMBs Have for Cloud Solutions

As technology and solutions continue to lead more towards the cloud, it’s important to understand hesitations that SMBs might have to adopting a cloud-based solution themselves. Often, SMBs hold fears and misconceptions toward solutions that leverage the cloud that ultimately hold them back from starting their cloud journey. What are these misconceptions and fears, and how can a cloud-based solution benefit your SMB?

Common Fears with Moving to the Cloud

SMBs face many different challenges, and adapting to newer technology is certainly one of them. When it comes to cloud-based solutions specifically, SMBs struggle with fears and misconceptions about cloud solutions whether they be IT, print, or phone solutions, even though in many cases these solutions would greatly benefit their organization.

Common Misconceptions and Fears

SMBs hold many different misconceptions when it comes to technology. For example, many SMBs believe that they’re unlikely to be targets of cyber attacks as they’re too small and only a select few people have access to important credentials or information, therefore hackers and other malicious users would have no interest in them. The reality is, malicious users and hackers see SMBs as “easier” targets because of this, and still find value in attempting to attack them.

Other misconceptions include SMBs thinking there’s no need to move to the cloud, “we’ve done it this way since we started, there’s no need to change it”. In reality, moving to the cloud could help many of these organizations increase and optimize their efficiency, creating more business opportunities and allowing their organization to run more smoothly.

SMBs also hold many fears when it comes to adopting cloud solutions:

  • Cost: SMBs believe cloud solutions are more expensive than other solutions, or in-house solutions
  • Security: SMBs are skeptical about how secure the cloud is and worry about data and application privacy and security
  • Dependency: SMBs fear that depending on internet connection will lead to outages and downtime
  • Data Location: SMBs fear not having their data within their country or on-premises
  • Internet Speed: SMBs may not have high-speed internet connections leading to ineffectiveness with their cloud solution

How Cloud-Based Solutions Benefit SMBs

Cloud-based solutions offer many benefits to organizations big and small. Many cloud solutions are customizable, and can be easily scaled with the size of your organization and change with growth. When it comes to cost, cloud solutions are very affordable, and typically offer better solutions than trying to bring it in-house. For example, if the cloud solutions involves networking, the provider owns, updates, and upgrades the hardware associated with the solution rather than your organization, saving you a lot of costs in the long run. Another key benefit of cloud solutions is how accessible they are. A cloud phone system can be accessed from different devices in different places, bringing more mobility and efficiency to your organization. You can make calls from a smartphone, pc, or desktop phone, and easily transfer the call between devices if need be.

Most importantly, cloud solutions bring a whole new level of support and technology into your organization that offers higher security, lower costs, and reliability to keep your organization up and running better than ever. If you’d like to learn more about cloud solutions, feel free to reach out.


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Source: ECI

About the author: Ryan Baars

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