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July 23, 2019

windows server

On January 14, 2020, support for Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 will end. That means the end of regular security updates. Don't let your infrastructure and applications go unprotected. We're here to help you migrate to current versions for greater security, performance and innovation.

Rhyme Managed IT Can Help You Make the Transition

In today’s world, security updates are mission critical.

hacker statistics

Seize EOS as an opportunity to transform

Organizations that adopt modern Cloud, Data, and AI technologies outperform organizations that don’t.

performance statistics

Rhyme IT gives you the path to upgrade and stay protected

New options are now available to help you upgrade and adopt the innovative technologies you need to carry your organization into the future. If you need additional time to manage the transition, get three years of Extended Security Updates to keep your workloads protected beyond the deadline.

migrate options


Rhyme Managed IT will identify and inventory your apps and server roles running on Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2. Next, analyze each workload to determine the best path—migrate to Azure or upgrade on-premises.


Make the move—migrate your virtual machines to Azure or upgrade to the latest version of Windows Server.

new windows server


We’ll help fine-tune your resources to optimize costs, manage resources, and strengthen security and compliance across hybrid workloads.

Each release of Windows Server offers improved security, stability, and functionality. As the enterprise landscape changes, Windows also evolves to meet new threats and new demands for integration. For more information on starting a Windows migration contact a Rhyme IT Professional today at 800-362-4333 or email

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