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May 12, 2015

Windows Server 2003

Did you know that the applications you use every day, from payroll to invoicing, could be running on Windows Server 2003? Microsoft is ending support for the 2003 version of Windows Server on July 14, 2015 and it's time to find out if your business is at risk.

You put your heart and soul into your business, your employees and your customers. It's your job to protect them.

Windows Server EOL

If you're running Windows Server 2003 you're not alone.

There are over 400,000 businesses' running their applications on this legacy server but there's no safety in these numbers. The more businesses running this legacy version after the end of the support date, the greater the target will be to hackers.

What does ‘end of support’ mean to you?

  • Microsoft will no longer develop or release any updates – To put this in perspective, 37 critical updates were released in 2013.
  • The cost of maintaining your legacy server will add up quickly – advanced firewalls, detection systems and more will be needed for maintenance.
  • Your organization will most likely fail to meet compliance standards, which will result in high transaction fees and penalties.

It’s time to transform your data center if you know, or even suspect, you're running Windows Server 2003 and you:Windows Server Migration

1. Use a business application to track inventory data

2. Accept credit card payments for customer purchases

3. Maintain customer healthcare records

Rhyme IT can help identify whether the applications and workloads that are critical to your business are running on Windows Server 2003. Based on what we find, we'll make recommendations for your migration plan, and then plan and manage the entire process.

July 14th is just around the corner - call 800-362-4333 or email to get your quick assessment done right away!

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