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January 11, 2022

Copying papers at the MFP

You might be surprised at how many ways Managed Print Services (MPS) can improve your business. While cost is often the main driver for exploring MPS, its value can touch many other areas of your organization. You won’t know how much until you have an MPS assessment.

That’s the first step in learning where and how MPS can transform your document environment.

Each Step of the MPS Assessment with Rhyme 

  1. Discuss Goals & Challenges
  2. Gather Maps
  3. Deploy FM Audit
  4. Walk-through of buildings
  5. 2nd Walk through for non-network devices
  6. Meet with Accounts Payable
  7. Review TCO Report of Findings

Here we will take a closer look at Rhyme’s process of mapping the devices for the MPS Assessment. This is a very thorough process where our team gathers maps and goes onsite, not only to denote where print devices are located throughout your building, but also speak with end users, discussing their print needs, and uncovering workflow problems and areas for improvement.

Once completed, this crucial step of mapping creates a powerful visual of current and future state of all the print devices in your environment.

Rhyme MPS Mapping of Current and Future Print States

Rhyme’s Mapping Software is an interactive tool used in our collaborative process to evaluate current state and strategize future state.  

Mapping all the print devices provides several benefits to the complete assessment: 

  • It provides a visual aid to see what the current print environment looks like.
  • There may be key users that could provide beneficial input while doing the walk through.  Questions such as:
    • What type of things do you print and why?
    • Would color be a benefit to you?
    • Is there anything functionality that you don’t have now which would benefit you with printing/scanning/copying/faxing?
  • The time spent with whomever guides us around is valuable by itself. Learning more about the organization helps the overall project.
  • There may be workflow problems that are uncovered while doing the mapping. Using Rhyme as a trusted advisor allows us to make recommendations that may provide cost or labor reductions.
  • The maps are used during collaboration to determine what a “Future State” may look like. Then a map is created with the final product.

Many organizations skip the step of mapping the devices because it can take a lot of time ranging from hours to days, or even weeks.  Rhyme knows this is time well spent and has invested in powerful software and training to make the final product detailed and accurate for our clients.  

Getting the full value of your investment means working with a partner who, along with knowing the ins and outs of MPS, will take the time to understand your business and identify opportunities to streamline document processes.

The more problems MPS can solve for you, the better your MPS ROI. An MPS assessment offers data-driven guidance for fast, long-lasting improvements. You may need Managed Print Services far more than you realize. Contact us today to request your MPS assessment.

Learn more about Workplace Managed Print Solutions

Blog Contributors: Gregg Bushner, Rhyme Client Services and Sarah Lampert, Rhyme Intelligent Workplace Services Manager

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