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August 30, 2016

workplace mobile apps

At the end of 2015, more than 100 Billion Mobile Apps had been downloaded from the Apple App Store. Social media apps have spread like wild fire among mobile users. Since apps have become more available and accessible people are able to do more with their mobile devices. This mobile trend has lead to the development of mobile apps for business.

June 23, 2016

IT Guide

As an Information Technology professional in charge of your organizations’ network infrastructure, you are responsible for the day-to-day communication path from your users to the applications they use every day. This brings a unique set of challenges that pull you a hundred different directions. 

April 27, 2016

PaperCut Mobility Print

If you’re looking to offer managed support for the widest range of mobile devices connecting to your network, then it’s time to develop your mobile strategy. Planning for, and facilitating mobile print solutions using your existing print infrastructure is made easier with PaperCut’s Mobile and “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) features.

March 31, 2016

Paperless Office

Does your organization manually file vital paper records? Do your employees invest too much time in the filing and retrieval of those documents? You’re not alone if your answered yes to either; many businesses manually move their paper documents, storing them in filing cabinets for months and them moving to a “back room” when they’ve run out of space. 

February 29, 2016

computer technology

Is technology at the top of your priority list? At Rhyme we help businesses develop their technology strategy, implement that strategy and then support it through its lifecycle. Our goal is to help your business grow by increasing profits and lowering risk. Evaluate these five risks to decide if your technology needs more attention.

February 17, 2016

Sharp Scan2 Technology

Does your organization already have Sharp multi-function devices implemented? Are you looking for ways to increase efficiency and productivity while your employees are using the devices?

December 22, 2015

Blackboard Learn

Sharp announced this month that Blackboard Inc. has joined Sharp's Strategic Technology Alliance Resource (STAR) program and is set to launch in Spring of 2016.

November 11, 2015


The future of work is mobile. But you may be worried that working from anywhere, on any device, could expose you to added security risks. Whether you’re a road warrior or remote worker here are some simple tips to stay protected.

September 30, 2015

Collaboration Display

The days of wiping chalk dust off your hands and erasing lengthy notes off traditional chalkboards and whiteboards are over. The future of communication for business professionals and educators alike is in Interactive Display Technologies.

September 25, 2015


With the unlimited amount of phone calls and emails you receive a day it can be hard to keep track of who you talked to and what they do for you. Scammers take advantage of this and use it for their own benefit. You can’t protect yourself if you are not aware of the variety of different schemes some people will throw at you.