A well-balanced, multi-layered security strategy is needed to help ensure your copiers and printers keep your information safe from malicious intruders. Sharp MFPs are equipped with multiple security features to do just that.
This year’s cybersecurity initiative —“See Yourself in Cyber” —demonstrates that while cybersecurity may seem like a complex subject, ultimately, it’s really all about people. This October focuses on the “people” part of cybersecurity, providing information and resources to help educate, and ensure all individuals and organizations make smart decisions whether on the job, at home or at school –now and in the future.
Smishing is the latest tactic cybercriminals have taken on to trick people into giving away their confidential information.
Rhyme Office Product Inventory Management streamlines ordering, stocking, and management of your regularly used office supplies.
Reducing print volumes isn't enough anymore, our planet needs more than waste minimization. The next step is maximizing growth with forest positive printing - giving back more than you take away when you press print.
The shift to work-from-home (WFH) and hybrid work models are starting to look like more permanent options for many organizations. This transition is requiring many businesses to make long-term decisions on how to equip home workers with the tools and hardware needed to do their jobs.
The modern workforce seeks comfortable, inspiring spaces that create a sense of calm and put people at ease – opening the door for creativity to flourish. To adapt to this shift, forward-thinking companies are increasingly developing offices with a residential sensibility in mind. This shift in the workspace has given rise to ‘Resimerical’ design.
With a cooperative contract, members can purchase goods and services at negotiated pricing and terms through an established contract without going to bid.
On May 30th, 2022, Google retired Less Secure Apps and therefore stopped third-party apps and devices from signing in with only a normal username and password. What does this mean for your MFPs when it comes to scan-to-email? If you are using the popular Gmail SMTP service, you will be affected by this change.
The Rhyme Device Management (RDM) solution offers the ability to manage your complete fleet of print devices, including all manufacturers, over 25,000 different models in fact, so if you have a diverse print fleet, it is easily managed. RDM simplifies meter collection, billing, supplies, and service delivery, enabling an exceptional customer service experience.